A Heartwarming Animal-Assisted Therapy Workshop @SUIS Gubei

  On January 16, 2025, our campus, SUIS Gubei, proudly hosted its inaugural animal-assisted therapy workshop, “Animal Heal.” The event was both vibrant and significant, marking a memorable occasion for our community. 2025 年 1 月 16 日,一场意义非凡的有关动物疗愈的公益讲座在协和古北成功举办,宛如冬日里的暖阳,为整个校园都注入了满满的温情与爱意。   We were honored to invite Mr Wu Qi, an experienced animal trainer, and his team from the…


Flag-raising ceremony: Safe, Happy Winter Vacation 安全相伴 快乐假期

  In the cold wind at the end of the year, the morning sun gently fell on the campus. All the teachers and students of SUIS Gubei gathered on the playground to welcome the last flag-raising ceremony of the semester. Our Chinese Principal, Mr Liu, delivered speeches during the ceremony. 在岁末的寒风中,晨曦温柔地洒落在校园,协和古北全体师生齐聚操场,迎来了本学期的最后一次庄严的升旗仪式。刘炜校长在升旗仪式中致辞。   This flag-raising ceremony…


SUIS Gubei JCCO Chemistry Awards Winners 祝贺协和古北学子在化学竞赛中斩获佳绩!

    恭喜 CONGRATULATIONS 14th December, 2024, 15 students from SUIS Gubei were doing their The Junior Canadian Chemistry Olympiad online or in their respective JCCO exam center. A special shout out to the students from SUIS Gubei for their outstanding performance during the JCCO. They have won 1 Global Gold, 4 Global Merit, 1 National Top Gold, 1 National Gold, 3 National Silver, 5 National Bronze,…


Harvard Business School Brings Business to Life at SUIS Gubei

    Last month, Harvard Business School visited SUIS Gubei and hosted a dynamic and engaging business competition for all grade 10 students. The event took place at the first-floor basketball court. Students formed small groups and were assigned unique roles within a simulated market (e.g., CEO, CFO). They aimed to compete against other teams by presenting the most innovative and…


协和古北1月课程说明会 Information Session in January

  课程说明会 Information Session 课程说明(IB及其预备课程介绍) Presentation regarding curriculum (IB DP and related preparation course)       预约方式 Application Procedure 请有意向报名的学生和家长关注我校官方微信公众号,点击左下方“Pre-入学” – “报名Apply Now”填写、递交在线申请表,以便学校管理和安排。该申请表仅允许填写、递交一次,请学生及家长谨慎填写,切勿重复递交。 Add school WeChat “SUIS-GB”, click “Pre-入学”and fill in the online application form in “admissions” section.     学科评估 Assessment     学校地址 School Address 上海协和双语高级中学-古北校区(闵行区红松东路248号,靠近古北新区) 248 East Hongsong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai…


Undefeated Gubei Grizzlies at the Second Xiehe Inter-School Cup

On November 9th, the second Xiehe Inter-School Sports Tournament was held at the beautiful SUIS Qingpu. The event kicked off with a parade featuring more than 300 athletes representing their respective campuses. 11月9日,第二届协和体育校际联赛(初、高中组)在上海青浦区协和双语学校(协和青浦)火热开赛。来自协和旗下8所校区、22支参赛队伍、300余名运动员齐聚一堂,为了荣誉和梦想展开激烈角逐。   This year’s competition focused on U-15 boys basketball and football, as well as U-19 boys basketball and football. 今年校际联赛的重头戏是U-15男篮和U-15男足,以及U-19男篮和U-19足球。     Our Grizzlies…


SUIS Gubei Flag Raising and Theatre Event 以热爱浇灌戏剧,以戏剧丰满人生

At the flag-raising ceremony last week, Ms Jiang, Ms Tang, and our theatre prefect, Thomas Chen, shared their feelings and thoughts on their enthusiasm for theatre. 在上周的升旗仪式中,蒋老师、汤老师以及戏剧干事Thomas同学分享了他们对戏剧艺术的热情和深刻感受。       Cultivating Drama with Passion, Enriching Life through Theatre  以热爱浇灌戏剧 以戏剧丰满人生     Ms Angel Tang Today, I would like to discuss “creativity” through drama. Some students may perceive…
